How Do You Care for Memory Foam Pillows

How Do You Care for Memory Foam Pillows?

If you are dealing with skin breakouts, acne, or other skin problems and are not sure what is causing them. You'll start blaming everything else you do, including your morning coffee, evening tea, street food, and sweets, but did you ever consider that your pillow could be the villain?

A memory foam pillow should be replaced every two to three years on average. But if you take good care of it, you can extend the lifespan of your pillow. Memory foam pillows are great because they shape to fit your head and neck, giving you a comfy sleep. But to keep them in top shape, you need to take good care of them. In this blog, we’ll  help you keep your memory foam pillow clean and in great condition.

Keep It Clean

A pillow case is like a shoe for pillows. It protects the pillow from dust, diet, sweat and spills. It is important that you put your memory foam pillows inside a pillowcase. Using a pillowcase keeps your pillow clean and stainless.

A stain on your favorite pillow can be heartbreaking; don’t worry there are ways to clean the ways. Mild spots can be cleaned with detergent and sponge. However, if the strain is hard and difficult to remove like a bloodstain or due to wine spilling, etc.

Try the following methods:

  1. Remove the knit covers.
  2. To clean stains related to blood and wine: Put 3% hydrogen peroxide to the spot, put on the stain directly until the peroxide has closed bubbling. Spray some cold water and rub gently until the stain gets removed. For fast results, rub with a toothbrush.

To clean pet urine: Mix up one tsp of white vinegar, one cup of the hydrogen peroxide, and two tsp of baking soda and pour in the spotted area. Leave all night and if necessary, repeat, particularly if an odor still endures. Clean the spot with cold water.

Avoid Washing It

What most people do wrong is they put the memory foam cooling pillow in the washing machine like they wash their traditional pillows. Memory foam pillows should not be put in the washing machine or dryer. The foam can get damaged and lose its shape if it gets too wet or if it’s put in the dryer.

If you ever spill something on your pillow and you have to wash it to clean up the spill, you can follow this method:

  1. Remove the pillowcase.
  2. Use a towel to soak up excess liquid.
  3. With water, mix a mild dish detergent until it obtains bubble uniformity, Then dip the pillow in the foamy solution. Rub gently the spill in a circular motion until it is completely clean.
  4. Allow the pillow to air dry, or dry with a hair dryer quickly.

Wash it With Hand When Needed

It is recommended not to put the memory foam pillow in the washing machine. However, you can easily wash with your hand.

  1. Fill up a bathtub or soak it in slightly warm water and a small quantity of detergent. You can also mix a few drops of lavender oil.
  2. Dip your pillow slowly under the foamy water. Squeeze the foamy water to penetrate under the surface.
  3. Draw off the foamy water, fill up and then sink it again in clean water.
  4. Squeeze the pillow and let the clean water rinse away remaining dirt or foam until the water becomes completely clean.
  5. Squeeze your pillow gently to remove more water, however, don’t rigorously squeeze or twist the foam.
  6. Leave the memory foam pillow to air dry. It’s recommended to directly hang it outdoors in the sunlight. Also, you can leave your pillow under a fan.
  7. If desired, spray a few drops of lavender oil.

Air It Out

It is important that you remove the shoes and let the feet get some air to feel fresh. It is the same with pillows, you must take your pillows out of its cases every few weeks and let it breathe in a cool, dry place. Memory foam can trap heat and moisture so it is important that you keep it fresh. This helps to reduce any buildup of moisture and keeps it fresh.

Keep your pillows dry. Avoid getting your pillow wet. If you spill something on it, clean it right away and let it dry completely before using it again. If it does get wet, let it air dry completely before putting it back in use.

Use a Pillow Protector

Consider using a waterproof or hypoallergenic pillow protector. This will add an extra layer of protection against spills, allergens, and dust mites. When you’re not using your pillow, store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or in a damp area.

Try not to put heavy objects on your pillow. Excessive weight can damage the foam and affect its shape and support.


Though memory foam pillow is totally hypoallergenic and dust-mint resistant, irregular washing or improper care of the pillow can worsen the condition. It is mostly seen that discomfort in sleeping and an unhygienic surface can worsen the sleep quality leading to health issues. Therefore, it’s always recommended to wash memory foam pillow regularly to ensure total safety. By following these simple steps, you can keep your memory foam pillow clean, comfy, and long lasting.

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