Sleep and Performance

Sleep and Performance: Tips for Busy Indian Professionals

In India, it is normal to work after office hours and go above and beyond. Most large and small corporations expect their employees to work after hours and to their full capabilities. Even if it helps you level up in your career, it will cost you your health and personal time off. As work takes first, we end up working all day, eating badly, and dealing with constant stress at work, which can easily steal away a few years of our lives.

What we sacrifice the most is our sleep, as working late hours has a significant negative impact on our sleep cycle. According to a recent report, 55% of Indians sleep for fewer than six hours. If you feel tired and sleepy during the day, it means you haven't slept well. Another thing to keep in mind is that sleeping for long hours is not equivalent to good sleep. You can sleep for 8 hours and still feel exhausted throughout the day because you are not getting quality sleep at night.

Here are some tips on how busy Indian professionals can manage quality sleep at night and wake up all refreshed and active.

5 Effective Tips to Sleep Well for Busy Indian Professionals

Manage stress at work smartly

Feeling stressed because the project deadline is near is okay. But feeling stressed all the time at work is not. People staring at screens with lifeless expressions, most of us feel drained in the morning only. We see work as something we have to do,  an obligation, a task but nothing joyful. Work doesn’t give us joy, especially in India.

It could be hard to be happy all the time at work but at least try to be at peace with yourself and be restful. Make a list of all the tasks you need to get done in the morning and begin with the most important task.

Suggested Reading: How to Sleep Fast in 5 minutes

As stated in the “Eat That Frog” Book by Brian Tracy- There are seven steps to success: identify your goals, write them down, list the actions, transform the list into a plan, establish a deadline, act on the plan, and do something every day to progress toward your goal. Follow these tips and manage work smartly and try to be joyful at work for the sake of yourself, if not for others.

Be Aware of Your Eating Habits

We Indians have a rough equation with healthy food especially if you are a working professional living on your own. Most working professionals skip breakfast or go for unhealthy options such as samosas, paths, or other fried foods. After work we want something to snack on, a tea (chai) with some evening snacks,which leads to having dinner late at night.

Our bodies require time to digest food. While we sleep, the body's ability to digest meals is reduced by 50%. So it is advised to eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, try to complete your protein intake in your meals. Eating fried food is okay as long as they are not consumed on a daily basis. Try to eat home-cooked meals. Also it is a common practice in India to drink chai 2-3 times in a day or to consume sugary drinks throughout the day; however, this amount of sugar should be avoided because it has a direct impact on our health and sleep.

Sleep and Wake up at the Same Hour Every Day

Your brain begins to prepare for sleep a few hours before bedtime as part of your natural sleep-wake cycle. It is important to set a bedtime and wake-up time that works best for your routine and stick to it every day, including weekends. Maintaining a consistent sleep routine trains your brain to naturally feel sleepy at bedtime.

Next, choose a time each night to begin your sleep routine, which might range from 30 minutes to 2 hours before bed. Taking a bath, brushing teeth, changing into pajamas, reading a book, listening to soothing music could be part of your night time routine.

Choose the Right Position to Sleep

The best sleeping position is which ensures proper spinal alignment from the hips to the head. Sleeping on the side is considered as the best sleeping position among all age groups. Sleeping on the side or back is thought to be better than sleeping on the stomach. In either of these sleeping positions, it is easier to maintain your spine supported and balanced, allowing your muscles to relax and recuperate.

If you sleep on the side position and still have neck pain or back ache, maybe it is time to change your pillow. It is important to choose  the right pillow that can support your neck and spine. The most recommended pillow to sleep better and wake up fresh is Ventilated Contour Pillow.

This pillow is known to relieve neck and shoulder pain. It is not only for neck and shoulder pain, but it is also the finest orthopedic pillow for users who experience restlessness and irritation at night. The improved ventilation and air circulation make memory foam pillows even more appealing!

Avoid Screens an Hour Before Sleeping

Many working professionals have to work on a computer and laptop the whole day, so it is very important to take some time out from the screen. According to experts, excess blue light can have a bad impact on our sleep cycle and quality. It is recommended that you turn off your electronic devices one hour before retiring.

People who check their phones first thing in the morning should not do so. At least the first hour of the morning should be screen-free. Try doing yoga, meditation or any other physical exercise to relax your mind and body and start your day on a positive note. Avoid heavy workouts just before going to bed.


In India, it is normal to sleep less than 6 hours; people consider it an achievement to sleep less and do more during the day. This habit might be dangerous to your health. Sleeping less than 6 hours increases the risk of disease by 30% when compared to sleeping 7 hours or more.

Follow the recommendations above to maintain a healthy sleep pattern while working full-time. If you want to upgrade your pillow, the Sleepsia Contour Pillow is the right choice. It not only supports your neck and spine, but its soft and breathable material reduces skin irritation and promotes a better night's sleep.

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