Importance of Rest in Hustle Culture
In today’s world, many people talk about "hustle culture." This means working hard all the time and never stopping. But is this the best way to live?
In India, we promote this hustle culture. Everyone wants more success whether it be a rickshaw driver or an IT company employee, everyone is looking out for more success whether in terms of money, position or happiness. Men and women around the world exhaust themselves working without taking much rest. There are people who only sleep 4-5 hours at night in order to achieve more.
In this blog, we’ll understand what hustle culture is and why rest is so important, even if you’re always on the go.
What is Hustle Culture?
Hustle culture is all about working long hours, being busy, and always trying to do more. People think that the more they work, the more successful they will be. While working hard is important, it’s also crucial to balance it with rest.
This lifestyle has grown in popularity in recent years as people attempt to attain their professional goals more quickly and efficiently. Despite its appeal, the on-the-go, no-holds-barred mindset has been linked to mental health issues such as sleep anxiety, stress, and depression.
Furthermore, we now know that there is a long-term inverse effect: lower productivity. Employees are feeling burned out as a result of this toxic hustle culture.
Why Rest is Important
It's important to set aside time for yourself, whether that's sleeping in, going for a stroll, or simply doing nothing at all. We allow our bodies and minds to rejuvenate and heal when we sleep. We perform better and are more creative and concentrated when we get enough sleep. In addition, we're generally more happy and in a good mood. This is why getting enough rest is crucial:
Recharges Your Energy
Your body is not made to work non stop without taking enough rest. You body and mind get tired after a time and you need to take rest to recharge yourself. Think of it like your phone’s battery. If you don’t charge it, it will eventually run out of power. If you keep working without sleep, after a while your productivity will become low. So, to maintain your productivity it is important to recharge your energy by taking enough rest.
Boosts Creativity
You must have noticed that the night you didn’t sleep well, the next day you’ll feel groggy and tired. When you’re tired, it’s harder to come up with new ideas. It could be hard to do some creative work that needs constant ideas without proper rest. By sleeping well at night or taking proper breaks, your brain will be refreshed. This helps you think more clearly and come up with better solutions. It’s like taking a break from a puzzle to see it with fresh eyes.
Improves Health
People who don’t get proper sleep at night develop many health problems over time. Those who work tirelessly with taking proper rest tend to develop stress and health problems like headaches and trouble sleeping. Rest helps you stay healthy and feel good. A healthy body and mind are better at handling work challenges. So, if you sleep well at night and take proper rest, you’ll be more productive at work or school.
Enhances Productivity
There are days when you don’t feel like working or your productivity is very low, the most common reason behind this may be lack of rest. It might seem like resting means you’re not working, but it actually helps you work better. When you get proper sleep at night, you’ll feel more energized and focused the next day. When you are well rested, this means you can get more done in less time.
Also Read:- Understand How the Science of Sleep Works
How to Rest Well
A happy life and a successful career depend just as much on rest as they do on work. Both individuals and organizations suffer from overwork: prolonged periods without enough sleep cause employee burnout and severely reduce business productivity.
Here’s how you can rest well:
Take Breaks
Many of us have desk jobs and sitting at one place can also cause many health problems such as neck and back pain. It is important to take short breaks during work as it can help you refresh your mind. Stand up, stretch, or take a quick walk. It can make a big difference in how you feel. Don’t just continuously focus on work as after a while you’ll be exhausted and tired.
Sleep Enough
Getting quality sleep at night is the easiest way to give rest to your body and mind. It is recommended to take at least 7-9 hours of sleep for an adult to perform to their full potential the next day. Quality sleep helps your mind and body to recover from the day and get you ready to tackle the next day.
Relax and Unwind
Sleep problems are quite common these days. Even when you want to get os leep, it could be hard to fall asleep. You can create a bedtime routine for yourself that can help you unwind and reduce stress. You can do anything relaxing like reading a book, taking a bath or listening to music. You can also try doing meditation. All these activities prepare your body for sleep and help you fall asleep faster.
Try Aroma Sleep Therapy
In this hustle culture, aromatherapy can be a way to destress your mind and body. An aroma sleep therapy can help you relax by stimulating your sense of smell and activating areas of your brain that control your emotions. By using an electric aroma diffuser, you can take the benefits of essential oil anywhere. You can have an aroma diffuser at home or at your workplace to feel calm and relaxed.
Set Boundaries
In the search of more success, we tend to forget our boundaries. Try to have clear work hours. When you’re done working for the day, make sure to disconnect. Don’t carry work to your home. Spend time on other relaxing things too. This helps you balance work with personal time.
Hustle culture might make you think you need to work all the time to be successful. But remember, rest is just as important. It helps you recharge, stay healthy, and work more effectively. So, don’t forget to give yourself time to rest and relax.
If you want to try aromatherapy for yourself, An Aroma Diffuser can be an ideal choice for you. It comes with a free essential oil bottle. You can easily take aromatherapy at your comfort zone using the diffuser in an effective way as it generates vibration at a rate of 2.4 million times in one second to break essential oil and water into microparticles effectively.