Avoid Falling Asleep While Studying

10 Simple Tips to Avoid Falling Asleep While Studying

The examinations have never been more competitive. Students experience pressure to achieve high grades. The majority of students stay up late studying for the test. It can be difficult to study, particularly if your eyelids feel heavier than textbooks.

It is easier to study in the morning when you are fresh in mind, but as you attempt to extend your study hours, you are going to need to sleep in the afternoon and at night. In actuality, it occurs during restlessness.

There are just two things you can do in these situations: either put the books down and lie down to rest, or fight off sleepiness to stay awake. However, it's actually too easy to sleep while studying; the key is to stay awake instead of sleeping.

With a few simple tricks, you can kick sleepiness to the curb and stay focused on your studies.

Tips to Avoid Falling Asleep While Studying

Here are 10 easy-to-follow tips to help you avoid falling asleep while studying:

Stay Active

It's possible to feel sleepy by leaning against pillows or the couch. When studying, try not to get too comfortable. Unlike sitting straight, which stimulates the brain, lying down sends a signal to the brain telling it to rest.

It is really important where you study. When studying late at night, you should always sit up straight on a chair. Every time you feel your eyes getting heavy and irritated from gazing at books all day, wash your face with cool water.

Switch Subjects

Focusing on one subject for a long time can make you feel tired and bored. This is why it's a good idea to switch to different subjects to keep things interesting and keep your mind from wandering while you're studying.

You won't be able to focus intently on the current subject if you switch between tasks too frequently—for example, every 15 minutes or fewer. Before moving on to another subject, it is advised to give a subject at least 30-40 minutes of your full attention.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to stay away from fatigue and drowsiness. Make sure to consume a minimum of 2-3 Liter of water daily. Carry a full bottle of water and take sips from it while studying. You feel more awake, and your brain's blood flow is improved as a result.

Avoid consuming too much caffeine, especially on study days or the day before. Caffeine consumption on a frequent basis can have a negative impact on brain function as well as cause dehydration.

Snack Smart

Indian parents want their child to eat properly during exams but end up feeding them heavy meals. We've all experienced the drowsy feeling that comes after a meal, and no one can blame you if you have to study when in such a drifting state.

However, don't believe that you would need to starve yourself to get rid of this lethargic feeling. Smaller meals should be your choice, and you should eat them early. You can go for light, protein rich snacks like nuts or fruits in between meals to keep your energy level up.

Find the Right Environment

When studying for extended periods of time, the way you sit and the environment of your room are also very important factors. Try to take a seat facing a table at a back-supporting chair. You can study more productively and attentively if you do this.

However, if you study while lying in bed, you could get into a drowsy state that finally makes you feel tired. Moreover, avoid keeping the lights dim since this will just increase your drowsiness.

Use Active Learning Techniques

To earn good grades in school and college, you must read and reread textbooks multiple times to fully grasp the knowledge. Sometimes repetition is dull, so to get the most out of textbooks without nodding off, try active study strategies. Some techniques that you could try are listed below:

  • Read aloud
  • Educate your peers or friends. Group studies inspire and foster fresh perspectives on the content of textbooks. It also aids in keeping ideas clear and keeps you from nodding off. With friends, it's possible to relax and enjoy learning as well.
  • Draw diagrams or charts to help you remember things.
  • Complete as many of the practice problems as you can.

Take Power Naps (Strategically)

If you are at a point where you can’t keep your eyes open, you can take a short power nap that can help recharge your batteries. You can keep an alarm so that you don't oversleep—keep your naps short (around 20-30 minutes) to avoid feeling groggy afterward.

Refresh Yourself

If you are sitting in front of a computer screen for too long, turn your head away from the screen every 20 to 30 minutes to not get too tired. To re-energize yourself, you can also brush your teeth or take a shower.

Chewing gum can also be popped in between. This will help you stay awake by keeping your mouth active all the time. To increase their energy, the majority of students also drink coffee and energy drinks.

Work Out Every Day

Daily exercise of 15 to 20 minutes can improve the quality of sleep. Also, it enhances memory and focus. You can also meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes every day. Exercises involving deep breathing raise oxygen levels, lower blood pressure, calm heartbeat, and enhance blood circulation. It all contributes to better brain function. You can also practice deep breathing during your study breaks.

Get Enough Sleep

It's more difficult to stay awake when studying if you're not getting enough sleep. Choose a bedtime that allows you to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Maintain a consistent sleep pattern so that your brain shuts off at the same time each night.

Keep in mind that the average person requires this amount of sleep. While some people feel well after a few extra hours of sleep, others may get by with less. The most important thing is to follow a consistent sleep schedule on a regular basis.


When you have to study, it can be difficult to stay focused and awake, especially at the end of the day. However, there are strategies to help you stay awake longer and prevent you from falling asleep during a study session.

The secret is to develop healthy routines, such as drinking enough water, eating well-balanced meals on a regular basis, exercising, and, wherever feasible, making sleep your first priority. Using active learning methods, staying out of your bedroom, and studying with friends in a well-lit space are some other helpful tips.

Just in case, you want to study sitting on your bed, you can use a wedge pillow. For students who like to study in bed, the wedge can be placed vertically (the thinnest portion of the wedge at the top) against the headboard. This provides good support and an ergonomically correct angle for the spine. Also, for people who like to use their laptop in bed for study, the wedge can be placed on the lap for a subtle, yet comfortable incline.

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